Talking Dirty To Him In 3 Easy Steps

Learning how to talk dirty to your man can be an amazing adventure that the both of you share, but only if you learn how to do it the right way, and with a solid foundation to start from.

Most women that learn how to talk dirty without any sort of structure feel pressured to turn into a dirty talking porn star overnight, which fortunately is not necessary when you learn how to do it with the right kind of dirty dialogue.

Here are 3 easy steps to learn how to talk dirty with confidence, and in a way that your man will not only recognized instantly, but force him to appreciate and reciprocate in a fun and playful way.

1) Dirty Detective:

The first thing you must do when learning how to talk dirty is your research. Being a Dirty Detective means sleuthing around the internet looking for dirty talk examples and dirty talk phrases that you can relate to. Not every dirty talk example and kinky phrase will appeal to you, so feel free to judge them and either keep them or move on.

But your investigation does not stop online. Learning how to talk dirty to your man means uncovering his likes, his dislikes, and using your Dirty Detective skills to record information about your mans personal and unique sex drive.

Start a Dirty Diary to take notes on things you find online as well as dirty talk secrets you reveal about your man. While being a dirty detective, you don’t have to talk dirty at all. Your main objective is to learn how to talk dirty in a way your man will respond positively, which means there is no rush for you to pull the trigger just yet.

2) Dirty Disciple:

The second thing you need to do is make a commitment to yourself to get good at talking dirty to your man. Try and start off while you are in bed together having sex. If you feel a bit strange or uncomfortable talking to your man in this way, doing it during sex is perfect since you can gauge his reaction and not have to worry about making him uncomfortable.

As you become more comfortable with talking a bit dirtier to your man, you can try one of my absolute favorite tricks. Send him a naughty text message while you are both together. Imagine the smirk on his face when you’re out to dinner with friends, or at a work function and he receives a text from you telling him exactly what you want to do to him when you get home.

3) Dirty Diva:

The third step is to cultivate your inner Dirty Diva and bring her out into the open. Once you’ve spent time working on your internal Dirty Dialogue and feel comfortable with yourself, it will be time to bring your Dirty Diva out to play.

Most women report that this is where talking dirty really gets exciting for both her and her man. When ready, your Dirty Diva will act as an alter-ego that only comes out behind closed doors, in which case talking dirty to your man will please YOU as much as it pleases him.

If you learn how to talk dirty in this 3-step process, you are guaranteed to see real changes in your life with long term results. You can learn how to talk dirty this way as fast or as slow as youíd like, because ultimately, it’s your comfort level that is important when learning how to talk dirty to your man.

The Next Steps:

Where you go from here is entirely up to you, and there is simply no wrong answer.

But many women want a “short cut” of sorts to help them speed things up with their man.

If you’re looking for a fantastic short cut than I think you should check out an resource called Dirty Dialogue.



Click HERE to Check Out Dirty Dialogue

Talk soon,

Joshua Rose


Leave A Reply (2 comments so far)

  1. Sheila Barcenilla
    10 years ago

    I am asking myself first why there is a need to talk dirty to your man? Do I have to know and learn about this? This is embarassing for me. But after reading your blog, I have come to realized and learned that this is can make your husband wild!:-) This technique is fun and possible to get in a state of arousal without having to do any foreplay at all. The two of you can enjoy of being near each other, not only having sex and passion. It strengthens and improves the relationship also. Talking dirty is a secret that only you two know and enjoy behind the closed doors. Thanks for sharing this blog, have learned something new again:-)

  2. Shauna
    10 years ago
